Stockholm’s new metro station at Hagastaden is coming along nicely, and in true Stockholm style, an artist has been working with the architects to design something truly otherworldly. As work begins building tunnels to Hagalund, Odenplan and Arenastaden the vision of artist Åsa Jungnelius is beginning to come to life.
Jungnelius is known for her use of bright colours alongside pastel tones, and for creating beautiful seashells, and you’ll find these elements in the new metro station. She’s been working on the project for six years now and the result is truly stunning.
Stepping into the metro station will feel like stepping into a huge shell. The escalators will travel through a kind of crystal cave, and when they reach the bottom travelers will step onto a platform containing a huge marble and aluminum pearl, about a meter wide.
We won’t be able to experience it ourselves for a while though, sadly. The yellow line, which will travel to Arenastaden doesn’t open until 2028, at which point we’re sure there will be crowds of people ready to see the stunning artwork in the new station.